Publisher (or, site where it was published, for fanfiction)
Literary genre (if fanfiction, specify what IP it is working with)
Summary of the text
Summarize the story in a few hundred words at most. This section can serve as practice for your plot summary in the podcast.
List the main characters of the story (any that contributes to the plot in any significant manner).
Identify the protagonists and antagonists (if applicable)
Give a brief description of each character
Explain if a character is flat or round
Explain if a character is static or dynamic
See Literary Horizons p. 10 for details.
Identify and explain the main conflict(s) of the story. Clearly identify what characters or forces are involved in each conflict.
Explain when and where the story takes place. If any details differ from our reality, make sure to point them out.
Identify the type of narrator and briefly explain your choice.
First person protagonist
First person onlooker
Third person omniscient
Third person limited
See Literary Horizons p. 5-6 for details.
Use this section to identify/discuss the main literary elements of the story. This can be anything from Narrative Time (LH p.8), to imagery or symbolism(LH p.11), atmosphere or mood (LH p.11), tone and style (LH, p. 12) or theme (LH, p.12-13).
Essentially, put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for this text on Sparknotes or Cliffnotes; what would a student need to know to be able to write an essay about the text?